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Academic Excellence with a Christian Focus

St. Martin's Lutheran School of Annapolis provides Christian education in a safe, secure and inclusive environment. In addition to the four core subjects, all students take art, music, physical education, religion and Spanish. We offer small, intimate class sizes with a focus on small-group and one-on-one instruction. The majority of our graduates gain admission to and attend private high schools in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area.

At. St Martin’s, our students are “Learning Today & Leading Tomorrow.” We hold this mantra very close to us, and it guides what we teach and how we teach our students on a daily basis. The St. Martin’s curriculum is designed for the development of the whole child from the rigors of math and English to gifts of arts and athleticism. The curriculum reflects the Christian values of our school and follows guidelines set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Technology is a major component in all grades and content areas. The use of desktop computers, laptop computers and iPads is critical to preparing students for the technological world in which we live. Research and adherence to MLA style are taught using technology. Students utilize Microsoft Office and Google Suite, namely Google Classroom, and receive an introduction to coding. Our digital citizens grow to be computational thinkers as they graduate and move to high school.

As a Christian school, we strive for all our instruction to be rooted in the Biblical world view. Our teachers care about each student’s spiritual development, and our desire is that each child develops a positive relationship with God. Students attend chapel each Wednesday to give thanks for what we have and pray for the world around us.

Before and After Care
PreK 3 & 4 both are eligible for before care (starting at 7am) and aftercare programs (ending at 6pm)

Early Childhood: PreK-3

The St. Martin’s three-year-old program addresses the emotional, social, physical, spiritual and intellectual aspects of a child’s growth and development. The PreK-3 program is an integral part of the whole child philosophy where teachers build the educational foundation for years to come. Each month the children focus on several thematic units relating to their interests. The children’s daily routine includes circle time, Bible stories, small group activities, free play and show-and-share. Our children also learn through play and, have the opportunity to play outdoors as part of their daily routine.


PreK-3 students also benefit from art, physical education, music, religion and Spanish classes.

Early Childhood: PreK-4

The goal of the St. Martin’s four-year-old program is to build on the skills developed in PreK-3 and prepare students for kindergarten. The PreK-4 activities teach social, fine motor, gross motor, reading readiness and math skills. Further enrichment is provided through science and social studies. Woven through all aspects of our program is the development of Christian values including attending weekly Chapel services. Our program focuses on social skills and emotional growth while preparing children for a smooth transition into kindergarten. Much like PreK-3, our PreK-4 students also take art, physical education, music, religion and Spanish classes.


Lower School Curriculum: Grades K-4

At St. Martin’s, we believe that each child has their own unique, God-given talents and traits. We provide educational experiences which recognize and appreciate similarities and diversity through differentiated instruction. We offer varied opportunities for critical thinking, hands-on activities and purposeful, innovative technology use. Activities include field studies, community service and cooperative learning – all in a supportive and nurturing atmosphere. Our mission is to inspire lifelong, independent learners who will positively impact an ever-changing society.



Lower school Spanish covers vocabulary including greetings, colors, numbers, days of the week, families, classroom objects, parts of the house, clothing, food, body parts and animals. These are introduced to students through songs and crafts. Each grade builds on the previous one as the students prepare for Spanish 1 in the middle school

Language Arts

The language arts curriculum begins in the earliest grades with the introduction of reading skills. Phonics instruction in kindergarten introduces beginning and ending consonants and short vowels sounds, syllabification and word families. First grade includes the addition of vowel variants, long vowels and sound patterns. These skills are continued and mastered in second grade. Comprehension strategies and fluency are taught through guided practice and modeling. In grades three and four, phonics practice continues with the addition of prefixes, suffixes and root words. Writing skills are taught using journals, short stories and book reports. These skills are strengthened in the intermediate grades where writing instruction includes narrative, expository, persuasive and explanatory styles with a focus on the six traits of writing. Spelling, grammar and research are integrated into the writing instruction.


Social Studies

Students are encouraged to be thoughtful, engaged and responsible citizens. They learn that they are members of a larger society and that their contributions make a difference in the world around them. Primary grades include the study of self, school, family, community and nation. Intermediate grades incorporate the study of Maryland and U.S. History. Skills are established using hands-on activities, interactive notebooks, student research, graphs, time-lines, maps and technology.


St. Martin’s math curriculum is personalized for the way students learn and individualized to maximize student success. Students can interact with the information through oral and written instruction, and through the use of manipulatives. Students work through number sets, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement, geometry and place value. Problem solving strategies such as multi-step problems and word problems are utilized to encourage higher order thinking. Teachers use real world examples, personalized vocabulary, online enrichment and student-created examples to keep students learning and engaged.


Science is a process in which students explore, hypothesize, design, test, modify, reflect and draw conclusions. Through observation and exploration of our world, students are trained to think critically and learn problem-solving skills. Exploratory concepts are introduced in the primary grades and then refined as the student progresses through the intermediate grades. The units focus on Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science. Science units are often theme-based including the study of the rain forest, dinosaurs and the Chesapeake Bay.


All lower school students also take art, music, library, physical education and religion. Computers and technology are taught through the core content classes. 

Middle School Curriculum: Grades 5-8

St. Martin’s Middle School strives to develop well-rounded students by promoting academic achievement, character education and spiritual growth. Teachers work as a team to help students make cross-curricular connections and become life-long learners. By graduation, students will have completed the high school requirements for Algebra 1 and Spanish 1.



The English program promotes effective reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Students are exposed to comprehensive vocabulary, focusing on pronunciation, spelling, definitions, parts of speech, synonyms and antonyms. Through the writing process, students compose a variety of essays while learning how to target a specific audience and understand purpose. They learn how to conduct effective research and write the research paper following Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines. Grammar is studied throughout the year with an emphasis on the analysis of sentences and application toward writing. Students are also exposed to a stimulating literature program focusing on comprehension and literary analysis. Through the reading of both fiction and nonfiction, students question what they read, participate in meaningful group discussions, and make both personal and real-world connections.


The middle school math program is designed to help learners develop a positive attitude toward the continued learning of mathematics. We want our students to appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics, and recognize its relationship with other disciplines with everyday life. Students transition from the concrete concepts of arithmetic to the abstract concepts of algebra needed for later success in math. Our students graduate with a firm understanding of algebraic principles, and the patience and persistence required to solve complex, real world problems. St. Martin’s graduates are prepared to take Geometry in their freshman year of high school.


The middle school science curriculum is an inquiry-based learning program that produces students with strong critical thinking skills and a firm foundation in all areas of science. The school year is broken into six units: scientific method, physics, chemistry, life science, earth science and environmental science. All grades are immersed in these six units throughout each year with the knowledge base building upon each year. A science fair is also held each year. In the St. Martin’s science room, we learn through doing. Each concept is introduced to the students and is followed by extensive hands-on labs that include group and independent investigations. The entire St. Martin’s community celebrates Earth Day as every class works to maintain our “Green School” status. Technology is a major focus of the science curriculum.

Social Studies

The middle school Social Studies curriculum examines geography, including the Chesapeake Bay, world history and United States history. These subjects are taught through historical, geographical, economic, political and cultural lenses. Whether it is how a landscape physically changed or how a civilization came into being, the understanding of why these events still matter hundreds or even thousands of years ago, is key to understanding where we are today. All grades are exposed to a hands-on history approach through field trips, projects, online textbooks and integrated technology. Discussion and discourse regarding the events that shaped our world are key components to the classes. Students are taught skills for inquiry, problem solving, reflection and analysis. Our students recognize what it means to live as productive citizens in a democratic society.


Spanish 1 provides students with continued instruction in the Spanish language. The priority is on pronunciation, functional vocabulary related to everyday life, cultural information and grammatical structures. Emphasis is placed on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The Spanish curriculum also addresses communication, culture, connection, comparisons and communities. By the end of eighth grade, students are able to offer opinions and make requests in the language since the entire class is taught in Spanish. 


All middle school students also take art, music, physical education and religion.

In addition, enrichment classes are taught each Wednesday:

5th Grade: Geography

6th Grade: Journalism

7th Grade: Coding

8th Grade: Personal Finance

Meet The Faculty

Briana Hargett
Middle School Science & Technology

Lower School STEM Coordinator

B.S. University of Delaware

M.Ed Wilmington University


Nichole Thompson
Kindergarten &
Social Media and Marketing Director 

School Board Teacher Liaison 

St. Martin's Alumni

B.S. Towson University


Bobi Glava
Vice Principal, Lower School &
Admissions Director

B.S. Towson State University

M.Ed. Western Maryland College

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